Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

free Download FlipPublisher full version v

FlipPublisher Enterprise lets you create e-books, e-newsletters, digital photo albums, comics, catalogs, and more — in FlipBook format.
Use FlipPublisher Enterprise to present your digital content — text, photos, illustrations, animation, audio and video clips — in an interface ALL your readers are familiar with — a realistic 3-D book they can flip through.

Features of FlipPublisher® Enterprise:
# Powerful, yet easy to use
# Basic word-processing functions
# Drag-&-drop import of text documents
# import HTML documents to individual pages
# Auto text flow between pages and chapters
# Multiple text columns and resizable text boxes
# Bookmarks with customizable text, shapes and colors
# Hyperlink to other pages, web addresses or external files
# Create FlipBooks for different screen resolutions

rar password: www.fullandfree.info

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1 komentar:

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti on 14 Maret 2010 pukul 15.55 mengatakan...

sudah lama gak update nih :)

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